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Hi all here we can post new thing happening in the computer and gaming world. As you research the Internet and run across New And Interesting Technology  post the information here,I am sure someone might be interested in the content you post.
New Gaming Control For Xbox 360 This is awesome Imagine this.Soon to be released in 2011.

Microsoft and Sony have both shown off their Kinect and Move motion control systems at E3, but can they capture the imagination of the games playing public?

Published on Jun 22, 2010

It's just under four years since Nintendo first released its Wii onto an unsuspecting market, and Microsoft and Sony have been watching its colossal success with jealous, hungry eyes.

The Wii's technological underpinnings may have been antiquated even in 2006, but through a combination of clever marketing and an innovative, approachable control system, Nintendo's diminutive white box sold in numbers that Sony and Microsoft could never have predicted.
The key to the Wii's success was, of course, its courting of the emerging casual market. The console's simple, energetic controller attracted a new breed of gamer, perhaps wary of the more intimidating, multiple-button joypads seen on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

To this end, Sony and Microsoft have both been hard at work on motion control systems for their own consoles, and clearly hope that selling their own add-ons will provide them with a slice of Nintendo's casual gaming pie.

The E3 expo earlier this month was the venue for presentations from both companies, as they revealed more details about their respective systems ahead of their release this autumn.

First up, there's Microsoft's Kinect for the 360. Once known under its working title of Project Natal, Kinect is the most radical of the rival companies' motion control systems, and the science underpinning it is undeniably impressive. Dispensing with handheld controls or remotes altogether, Kinect uses a series of cameras and sensors to detect the position of players' movements, meaning that controlling a racing car can be achieved by simply holding your hands in a ten-to-two position and turning an imaginary steering wheel left and right.

Kinect's controller-free motion sensitivity is further augmented by a voice detection feature, which means navigating through Xbox Live's labyrinth of menus and options could soon be achieved through a series of hand waves and mumbled commands. Microsoft's E3 demonstration showed a player logging into his Live account through a simple flap of his hand, though the system's rather spooky ability to recognise his identity without any further interaction was never fully explained.

Inevitably, the technology offered by Kinect comes at a price. While Microsoft has yet to set an official RRP for the UK, the US price is rumoured to be around $150, which will almost certainly translate to at least £150 by the time it reaches our shores this autumn.

Sony PlayStation Move

Sony's own motion control system follows the Wii's more closely than Kinect, and as such is both more modest technologically and far cheaper, with the RRP apparently set at about £33 for each controller, with the Navigation Controller (the equivalent of the Wii's Nunchuck) available for a further £25, and both devices available in a bundle with the PlayStation Eye for around £50.

Move is, we're told, more accurate than Nintendo's updated Wii Motion Plus system, with Sony's wands replicating "every subtlety of motion" and offering true 1:1 movement. The Move controller isn't the most aesthetically pleasing product Sony has designed, however, and bears more than a passing resemblance to an oversized ice cream, with a chunky black handle with a curious coloured orb for aiming at the television.

Move's looks aside, we'd argue that Sony's system poses a considerably lower financial risk than Microsoft's Kinect, with the Move's low price point making it more likely to entice consumers looking for a festive time killer.

Of course, the success of either system is inexorably linked to the quality of the software available for it, as companies such as Sega, Commodore and Nintendo can attest, an add-on device can't survive for long without third- as well as first-party support. Which brings us neatly onto the subject of...

The Games

Even the most ardent supporter of Nintendo will admit that the Wii (and for that matter, the DS) is absolutely awash with dozens upon dozens of generic party games, terrible licensed tie-ins and other assorted shovelware.

Worryingly, both Sony and Microsoft appear to be courting the same kind of market, with launch releases all alarmingly similar to the first games available for the Wii.

With Wii Sports currently the best-selling videogame of all time with over 60 million copies sold, it's unsurprising that both Move and Kinect offer several variations on Nintendo's theme. For the Xbox there's the imaginatively titled Kinect Sports, which offers a familiar collection of mini-games, including 200 metre hurdles, where on-screen athletes are harried into service by frantically running on the spot, and other assorted diversions including bowling, javelin throwing, ping pong, football and volleyball.

On the PS3, meanwhile, there's the alarmingly similar Sports Champions, which offers living room-friendly simulations of volleyball, archery and table tennis.

The majority of Kinect's launch titles continue along similarly casual lines, with some of them offering experiences suspiciously similar to Nintendo's. Kinect is home to Joy Ride, a somewhat tepid looking homage to Mario Kart. Then there's Kinectimals, a pet simulator along the lines of Nintendogs, where a series of virtual mammals can be interacted with via a series of strokes and gestures. More than a little creepy, in our humble opinion.

Then there's Your Shape, Microsoft's answer to Wii Fit, which offers the usual assortment of aerobics routines, yoga, and a plethora of fitness goals and statistics.

This doesn't mean, however, that there isn't a handful of core gamer titles due out for both the Kinect and Move around the time of launch. PlayStation 3 owners can look forward to a motion sensitive iteration of violent racer Twisted Metal, rail shooter Time Crisis: Razing Storm, and tactical blaster SOCOM 4.

For Kinect owners, perhaps the most exciting prospect is the forthcoming motion sensor-enabled release of Forza. Microsoft's system allows the player to wander around the game's garage of exotic, expensive metal, and even reach in and open bonnets and doors with a prod of a hand. How the actual racing will fare remains to be seen (we'd wager that more than a few minutes holding your arms aloft will leave you with a horrible aching in your shoulders), but of all the games demonstrated for Kinect so far, Forza is the only one likely to offer more than a few minutes' diversion.

The bottom line

Whether you think motion sensitive controls are the next rung on gaming's evolutionary ladder, or that they're merely an effective way to trash your living room, it could certainly be argued that, over the course of almost four years, Nintendo hasn't yet created a game which makes both full use of the Wii's interactive system and provides the player with more than a few minutes' diversion.

Games such as Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel rank among the very best games of the past decade, yet make only a passing use of the Wii's wiggle-and-shake controls. Titles such as Wii Sports Resort provide a greater use of the Wiimote and Nunchuck, but their appeal palls rapidly if played alone or for more than half an hour.

At first glance, both Sony and Microsoft's rival systems appear to follow suit, content to offer a series of bite-sized, shallow (though fun in the short term, we're sure) experiences, and a mere handful of titles with more depth for the core gamers which surely form the companies' market.

Games such as Forza and SOCOM 4 may provide some interest for their respective devotees, but without the attachment of big names to Kinect and Move - Halo and Gears Of War for Microsoft, for example - the systems could be a difficult sell to core gamers (though the announcement of Move and 3D compatibility in Killzone 3 may well whet the appetite of PS3 owners).

And while Sony's Move could be seen as a somewhat cynical attempt to bring the Wii experience to the PS3, their strategy makes perfect sense when one considers the potential loss the system could make should it fail to catch fire. Microsoft is making a huge gamble with Kinect, and although its attempt to bring a truly different control system to the 360 is an admirable one, it could prove a proposition too expensive for its target family market.

Which poses another pertinent question: with both Sony and Microsoft so late to the motion control party, are they vying for a market long since tired of waving their arms around in their living room?

So far, the Wii's controls have provided an entertaining diversion for parties and family gatherings, but for us, the thought of playing a first-person shooter by pointing at the screen or dodging imaginary bullets is too embarrassing to contemplate, at least without closing the curtains first.

To illustrate our point, take a look at Microsoft's demonstration of Dance Central, a game that makes its participants dance like a drunken uncle at a wedding. We defy you not to see it and shudder...

The Sony PlayStation Move will be available in the UK from 15 September, while the Microsoft Kinect is set for a 4 November release.
Cooling your CPU/Chip Set with liquid is a bit more expensive but with the power house systems of today it is almost a must if you want to keep your systems running cool.

Whether you're using a desktop or laptop  computer, there's a good chance that if you stop what you're doing and listen carefully, you'll hear the whirring of a small fan. If your computer has a high-end video card and lots of processing power, you might even hear more than one.
In most computers, fans do a pretty good job of keeping electronic components cool. But for people who want to use high-end hardware or coax their PCs into running faster, a fan might not have enough power for the job. If a computer generates too much heat, liquid cooling, also known as water cooling, can be a better solution. It might seem a little counterintuitive to put liquids near delicate electronic equipment, but cooling with water is far more efficient than cooling with air.
A liquid-cooling system for a PC works a lot like the cooling system of a car. Both take advantage of a basic principle of thermodynamics - that heat moves from warmer objects to cooler objects. As the cooler object gets warmer, the warmer object gets cooler. You can experience this principle firsthand by putting your hand flat on a cool spot on your desk for several seconds. When you lift your hand, your palm will be a little cooler, and the spot where your hand was will be a little warmer.
Liquid cooling is a very common process. A car's cooling system circulates water, usually mixed with antifreeze, through the engine. Hot surfaces in the engine warm the water, cooling themselves off in the process.
The water circulates from the engine to the radiator, a system of fins and tubes with a lot of exterior surface area. Heat moves from the hot water to the radiator, causing the water to cool off. The cool water then heads back to the engine. At the same time, a fan moves air over the outside of the radiator. The radiator warms the air, cooling itself off at the same time. In this way, the engine's heat moves out of the cooling system and into the surrounding air. Without the radiator's surfaces making contact with the air and dispelling the heat, the system would just move the heat around instead of getting rid of it.
A car engine generates heat as a byproduct of burning fuel. Computer components, on the other hand, generate heat as a byproduct of moving electrons around. A computer's microchips are full of electrical transistors, which are basically electrical switches that are either on or off. As transistors change their states between on and off, electricity moves around in the microchip. The more transistors a chip contains and the faster they change states, the hotter the chip gets. Like a car engine, if the chip gets too hot, it will fail.

Heat Sinks vs. Liquid Cooling

Most computers dispel heat with heat sinks and fans. Heat sinks are basically pieces of metal that provide lots of surface area for the air to touch. The chip warms the heat sink, the heat sink warms the air, and the fan moves the warm air out of the PC case.
This system works most of the time, but sometimes, electronic components produce more heat than simple air circulation can dispel. High-end chips with lots of transistors can overwhelm an air-cooling system. So can chips that have been overclocked, or manually set to work at faster than their default speed.
That's where water cooling comes in. Water has a higher thermal conductivity than air - it can move heat faster than air can. Water also has a higher specific heat capacity. It can absorb more heat before it starts to feel hot.

There are two reasons why a computer might need the increased thermal conductivity and heat capacity of water:

    * Its electronic components produce more heat than the air around them can absorb
    * The fans required to move enough air to cool all the components make too much noise or use too much electricity

In other words, there are two reasons why you might need to cool a computer with a liquid instead of air:

    * The components inside your computer need more cooling than air alone can provide
    * You want your system to be quieter

Here is A very intense Link about cooling you awesome system.

Air Cooling Links:


Liquid Cooling Links:         

Cooling Your Computer With Air Is  less expensive then liquid cooling For lower end systems this is the ticket.

Computer cooling is required to remove the waste heat produced by computer components, to keep components within their safe operating temperature limits. Varied cooling methods are used to either achieve greater processor performance or to reduce the noise caused by cooling fans.
Components which produce heat and are susceptible to performance loss and damage include integrated circuits such as CPUs, chipset and graphics cards, along with hard drives (though excessive cooling of hard drives has been found to have negative effects). Overheated parts fail early and may give sporadic problems resulting in system freezes or crashes.
Both integral and peripheral means are used to keep the temperature of each component at a safe level. With regard to integral means, CPU and GPUs are designed with energy efficiency, including heat dissipation, in mind; though improved efficiency may only allow increased performance instead of reduced heat. Peripheral means include heat sinks to increase the surface area which dissipates heat, fans to speed up the exchange of air heated by the computer parts for cooler ambient air, and in some cases softcooling, the throttling of computer parts in order to decrease heat generation.
Thermal sensors  in some CPUs and GPUs can shut down the computer when high temperatures are detected. However, reliance on such measures may not prevent repeated incidents from permanently damaging the integrated circuit.
An integrated circuit may also shut down parts of the circuit when it is idling, or to scale back the clock speed under low workloads or high temperatures, with the goal of reducing both power use and heat generation.
As a safety measure, many computers are designed to turn themselves off if the internal temperature exceeds a certain point. Alternatively, some have an option in their BIOS that allows the user to determine if the system emits an alarm beep or shuts itself down when the core temperature reaches the level set by the user. However, setting this incorrectly can result in hardware damage or erratic system behavior.
The amount of heat generated by an integrated circuit (e.g., a CPU or GPU), the prime cause of heat build up in modern computers, is a function of the efficiency of its design, the technology used in its construction and the frequency and voltage at which it operates.
The dust on the laptop CPU heat sink after three years of use has made the laptop unusable due to frequent thermal shutdowns.
In operation, the temperature of a computer's components will rise until the heat lost to the surroundings is equal to the heat produced by the component, and thus the temperature of the component reaches equilibrium.
For reliable operation, the equilibrium temperature must be sufficiently low for the structure of the computer's circuits to survive.
The peration of cooling methods can be hindered by causes such as:

    * Dust acting as a thermal insulator and impeding airflow, thereby reducing heat sink and fan performance.
    * Poor airflow including turbulence due to friction against impeding components, or improper orientation of fans, can reduce the amount of air flowing through a case and even create localised whirlpools of hot air in the case.
    * Poor heat transfer due to a lack of, or poor application of thermal compounds.
Thermal sensors  in some CPUs and GPUs can shut down the computer when high temperatures are detected. However, reliance on such measures may not prevent repeated incidents from permanently damaging the integrated circuit.
An integrated circuit may also shut down parts of the circuit when it is idling, or to scale back the clock speed under low workloads or high temperatures, with the goal of reducing both power use and heat generation.
Fans are most commonly used for air cooling. A computer fan may be attached to the computer case, or attached to a CPU, GPU, chipset, PSU, hard drive or PCI  slot. Common fan sizes include 40, 60, 80, 92, 120, and 140 mm. Recently, 200mm fans have begun to creep into the performance market, as well as even larger sizes such as 230 and 240mm.

AMD Processors Links / Links To AMD Processors
July 24, 2010, 04:18:16 PM
AMD Home:              
AMD Drivers:            
AMD Gaming/New:   
Intel Processors Links / Links To Intel Processors
July 24, 2010, 04:06:02 PM
Intel Home:                       
Intel Support/Drivers:     
ATI Video Card Links / Links To ATI Video Cards
July 24, 2010, 03:58:18 PM
ATI Video Cards / ATI Video Card
July 24, 2010, 03:44:07 PM
I can get this post started as i don't know much on ATI video cards. Hopefully some one will lead this post.I can say we have a few Pro Players that utilize the ATI video cards and do a very good job in tweaking them and love them.They claIm they have better performance at a much lower price.
AMD Accelerates Adobe Flash Player  with ATI Stream Technology

Adobe and AMD has optimize and  improve video performance of Flash Player by taking  hardware video acceleration on Windows Computer's equipped with ATI enabled GPUs.

Adobe  introduces hardware based  video decoding to enable smooth and quality video with very little overhead personal computers and laptops.

ATI Stream technology boost Adobe Flash Player  on systems with with ATI Stream  GPUs to enable better quality and high definition video on Web content and applications based on adobe's Flash . ATI Stream technology enhanced  AMD CPUs.

Download the latest update's

1. Adobe Flash Player 10.1 release
2. Latest Graphics Card Driver

Faster Digital  Video Editing

Digital editing is much more faster and smoother. For example Editing software like CyberLink's MediaShow,Espresso video converter to convert for portable devices like Apple,Iphone,Sony,and PSP.

Here is a list of a few ATI Video Cards that supports  ATI Stream technology

ATI Radeon HD 4000 and HD 5000 series
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4000 series discrete graphics (and higher)
ATI Radeon HD 3000 integrated graphics (and higher)
ATI FirePro V3750, V5700, V7750, V8700 and V8750 graphics accelerators  and later models

Nvida Drivers Links / NVIDA Graphics Cards Links
July 24, 2010, 03:18:21 PM
nvidia Home Page:            
nvidia Driver Download Page:
Nvida Video Cards / NVIDA Graphics Cards
July 24, 2010, 02:49:33 PM
NVIDIA Video Cards are awesome cards if you can afford the high end cards it is best to stay behind the technology as new  technology drives down the price of the old technology.However I have found this to be true but then again as more  game's and video accelerated programs are developed you do how ever need the power to push them to a decent level. Along with you need the computer that will also be able to push the card and not bottle neck and cause you issues.What do you do.Well do a lot of research That is the best advice i can give you.

NVIDIA  computer graphics are to the extreme.
with breathtaking, interactive graphics available on devices ranging from tablets and portable media players to notebooks and workstations. NVIDIA's expertise in programmable GPUs has led to breakthroughs in parallel processing.

Nvida Has Developed Five Product's
    1. Tegra   mobile computing with eight processors it consumes much less power then the earlier chips.It also supports many more portable device's.
    2. ION Power's Games ,Media, Web,Video,ETC with high definition Graphics in NetBook.
    3. GeForce accelerates Desk Top Computer's and Portable computers for those who desire rich crisp performance in all there digital media needs.
    4. Quadro a developer's tool used by visual effects artists,animators, broadcasters.commercial,industrial designers for there graphic solutions.The transportation industry and a large majority of our consumer products are designed with
        Quadro Graphics
    5. Tesla is a power house powering high end computer system's for our scientist and researchers with a lot less power consumption and a lot less cost. 

Nivida's Other Technology's They Have Developed
     1. 3D Vision it's like going to see a movie's in 3D. Now we can use 3D with our computer systems to watch movies,play games,photo's and blue ray on our home computing systems.
     2. SLI take your gaming experience to a whole new level run multiple GPU'S on one Mother Board.
     3. Optimus mobile computing is less demanding on you batteries.The graphics are now routed to your graphics card  GPU instead of your CPU.
     4. PhysX is a graphics engine which copies the forces of nature  like gravity and motion and creates the effects on physical objects in the gaming world.
     5. CUDA this one i will leave up to all of you to research.I will give you a hint.It is used in Science,Medicine,Chemistry  Research.

AMD Processors / AMD Processors
July 24, 2010, 02:27:15 PM

Optimization for Cloud Computing An essential component of any cloud computing environment is servers equipped with processors that deliver a balance of performance, I/O capabilities, low energy consumption, and hardware-assisted virtualization. AMD Opteron processors can help organizations optimize data center performance and cost-effectiveness to serve their cloud customers.

Power Efficiency When server efficiency matters, it's not enough to compare spec sheets. AMD delivers power efficiency at real-world workloads. Specific power innovations include AMD Cool'n'Quiet Technology and ATI PowerPlay, delivering proven, measurable benefits for businesses and consumers, reducing power usage, lowering energy costs and lessening the environmental impact.

Manageability Manage the desktops and notebooks in your network.

Security Protect your network and data.

Stability and Longevity Manage your workload by helping reduce changes and by utilizing consistent images over multiple months

AMD64 Technology The AMD64 platform led the industry to pervasive 64-bit computing.

HyperTransport Technology HyperTransport technology is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment up to 48 times faster than some existing technologies.

Direct Connect Architecture Direct Connect Architecture improves overall system performance and efficiency by eliminating traditional bottlenecks inherent in legacy front side bus architectures.

Multi-Core Processing with AMD With the power of two, four or more processor cores on a single chip, AMD's true multi-core processors deliver industry-leading performance and unique features that help systems run cooler and more efficient.Graphics

ATI Eyefinity Technology Expand your view of gaming, productivity and entertainment with ATI Eyefinity advanced multiple-display technology. [1,2] Supporting up to six independent display outputs simultaneously, ATI Eyefinity technology delivers innovative graphics display capabilities enabling massive desktop workspaces and ultra-immersive visual environments for the ultimate panoramic computing experience.

ATI Stream Technology ATI Stream technology is a set of advanced hardware and software technologies that enable AMD graphics processors (GPU), working in concert with the system's central processor (CPU), to accelerate many applications beyond graphics.

ATI CrossFireX  Multi-GPU gaming technology for ultimate high performance and 3D image quality.

ATI Avivo HD High-definition video and display technology for ultimate home theater enjoyment.

ATI Catalyst Software to configure and control ATI Radeon GPUs and ATI TV Wonder HD video tuners.

ATI SwitchableGraphics Get maximum performance when you need it or extend battery life for life on-the-g

ATI XGP Forget everything you think you can do on a Notebook PC.

ATI HyperMemory Technology that enables reduced on-board memory for ATI Radeon graphics cards.

ATI PowerPlay Technology that improves the energy efficiency of ATI Radeon GPUs.
Intel Processors / Info On Intel Processors
July 24, 2010, 02:14:48 PM
Intel has been developing advanced technologies that are so far beyond what the normal user can imagine.Just imagine packing all that power into a chip by burning codes into is cores.

Hey all do you want to show of your computer and how awesome it is here is your Post section. Only post here Thank YOU
Hi all we are posting our Research,Tips,Hints,links on computer hardware Maybe this will help others in there research.See the links below we will be adding more as we go so stay tuned for more!!
If anyone has some good links on research please post in the proper section.These post will be for research and informational purposes only "All trademarks and information used are properties of their respective owners".
In the event you wish to "purchase" any Hardware/Software ETC. We will also post links to the manufacture's in there respective post or assist you in getting the manufacturer's links.
Chit Chat / The forums are scanned 24/7
June 26, 2010, 08:46:51 PM
Here is something funny our forums are scanned 24/7 by this site( Russian Federation Moscow Yandex Enterprise Network).       lol.Maybe they think they will find the secret of NEMISIS.But surprise we are not gonna make it public.
Does your crysis wars keep crashing for no reason.
Here is a set of dx drivers that is upward compatible and downward compatible.Thes drivers a few of us have installed them and this is great no more crashes. However. The file iam uploading are dx drivers by microsoft please donot go get these drivers from a third party because these are genuine Microsoft drivers.

Install instructions
Download the file and unzip it into any directory that you want inside the zip is  file (DXWEBSETUP.EXE) just click on the file and it will install itself. how ever i do suggest that you do a backup of you system before you do this.

This will not stop the xfire that crashes crysis wars or anyother secondary program that you are running while playing crysis wars.
Free Weapons Enjoy (USA) 2
This server is having issues and will be back up and running today thanks
  ;D Hi all server 1 has been reworked completely. I do have to say this server has never run so smooth give it a try and see what you think
We did test it and all responses were very good (AMAZING) AS I WAS TOLD. :o