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Crysis 2 => Crysis 2 Server Information => Topic started by: {FWE}Ontime-Adm on April 03, 2011, 02:05:48 AM

Title: Crysis 2 server setup
Post by: {FWE}Ontime-Adm on April 03, 2011, 02:05:48 AM
Keep in mind this information might work on one server but not on another but it will give you a general idea of what you need to do

LEVEL ROTATION.XML File will be you center of attention in creating your server.Standard Ranked server This will rotate default maps in TIA MODE.

<levelRotation name="TIA"> <!-- name can be 'Custom' or one of the inbuilt ones - 'TIA', 'IA', 'ASSAULT', 'CTF','CRASH','EXTRACTION' -->
<Details name="Your server name" motd="welcome to the server" imageUrl=" xxx   " />
<Variant name="Standard"> <!-- Can be: 'Standard', 'BeginnersPlayground', 'Pro', 'Solo', 'Vanilla', 'SingleLife', 'FastRounds' or 'Custom' - If custom, need to define list of options as shown below -->
Setting up a Custom LEVEL ROTATION.XML this will most likely Unrank your server.

<levelRotation name="Custom"> <!-- name can be 'Custom' or one of the inbuilt ones - 'TIA', 'IA', 'ASSAULT', 'CTF', 'CRASH', 'EXTRACTION' -->
<Details name="Your server name" password="abc" motd="welcome to the server" maxPlayers="8" imageUrl="xxxxxxxx" />
<Variant name="Custom"> <!-- Can be: 'Standard', 'BeginnersPlayground', 'Pro', 'Solo', 'Vanilla', 'SingleLife', 'FastRounds' or 'Custom' - If custom,


________Begin Sample______________________

<Option setting="g_friendlyfireratio 0.0" /></Variant>
<Option setting="hud_radarTypeMP 1" />
<Option setting="hud_dogtagsEnable 1" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty_mil" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" />

__________End Sample______________________

<Option setting="g_maxHealthMultiplier 1.0" /><!-- Multiplyer (default=1.0) -->
<Option setting="g_mpRegenerationRate 1" /><!-- 0=slow, 1=normal, 2=fast (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_friendlyfireratio 0.0" /><!-- fraction of damage dealt to friendlies - can go negative to deal damage back to the person firing (default=0.0) -->
<Option setting="hud_radarTypeMP 1" /><!-- 0=off, 1=normal, 2=always on (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_mpHeadshotsOnly 0" /><!-- 0=off, 1=only headshots (default=0) -->
<Option setting="g_allowCustomLoadouts 1" /><!-- 0=no custom loadouts, 1=allow loadout (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_allowSuitPerks 1" /><!-- 0=no suit perks, 1=allow suit perks (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_allowTeamPerks 1" /><!-- 0=no team perks, 1=allow team perks (default=1) -->
<Option setting="hud_dogtagsEnable 1" /><!-- 0=disable dogtags, 1=enable dogtags (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_allowFatalityBonus 1" /><!-- 0=disable fatality bonus,1=allow fatality bonus (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_autoAssignTeams 1" /><!-- 0=allow users to pick their team, 1=auto assign teams (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_modevarivar_proHud 0" /><!-- 0=use normal hud, 1=use pro hud (default=0) -->
<Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableNanosuit 0" /><!-- 0=use suit, 1=disable suit (default=0) -->
<Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableKillCam 0" /><!-- 0=allow killcam, 1=disable killcam (default=0) -->
<Option setting="g_modevarivar_disableSpectatorCam 0" /><!-- 0=allow spectator camera, 1=disable spectator camera (default=0) -->
<Option setting="g_allowExplosives 1" /> <!-- 0=disable explosives,1=allow explosives (default=1) -->
<Option setting="g_forceWeapon -1" /> <!-- -1=allow all weapons, otherwise this is the index of the weapon that all players will be given (default= -1) -->
<Option setting="gl_time 45.0" /> <!-- Time spent in the lobby between games (default=45.0) -->
<Option setting="g_gameRules_startTimerLength 15.0" /> <!-- Time from first player loading to the game starting (default=15.0) -->
<Option setting="g_minplayerlimit 1" /> <!-- Number of required players for a game to start (default=6) -->

<level name="Wars/cw2_alien_vessel" gameRules="InstantAction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_alien_vessel_small" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_church" gameRules="Extraction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_city_hall" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_collided_buildings" gameRules="CrashSite" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty_mil" gameRules="TeamInstantAction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_downtown" gameRules="Extraction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_lighthouse" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_pier" gameRules="Assault" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_rooftop_gardens" gameRules="CrashSite" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_terminal" gameRules="InstantAction" />
<level name="Wars/cw2_cxp_liberty" gameRules="CaptureTheFlag" />

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