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Messages - {FWE}Neonzion

Yeah Ontime i remember the times i wish i could buy a $200 grahics card.... (my last card was $50) so im very happy and im going to enjoy it to the fullest =)

Btw guys i checked the tracking number and it said it was OUT FOR DELIVER  bouncing

hahaha im so excited
haha whitedragon!! Its almost as if you where right behind me! I have seen the pictures of the gtx 460 100000000 times, i have watched youtube videos about the gtx 460 1000000 times and I have read reviews of the gtx 460 100000000000 times hahahahaha I REALLY cant wait any longer so i have decided to waste my whole wednesday 3hours at the gym and the rest of the day watch movies so then the next day i can  Smokin so i can overclock and then i can  Cheers when i get back to gaming so i can  ChainGun all you guys! hahahahaha i cant wait!
OMG MY LIFE IS RUINED!!! I checked the tracking number and my gtx 460 will arrive on thursday and not wednesday!!! AHHH i hate waiting!!! i have been waiting to play games again since feburary!!!

lol u have no idea of my pain!

haha yeah i know get da gtx 460!!!!!! haha
Quote from: CloudStrife on July 19, 2010, 09:16:43 PM
im show u my whole system right now hang on

ok do u mean the parts?? i wana see a pic of your awesome case with ur parts in it too! lol
Not bad man.... I wish my case had a black interior!! nice price man i have never seen the case in real life. I have seen the antec 900 but the 902 got some big differences going on. i got my cm690 nvidia case for $80 at a store lol... What graphics card do ya have now???

btw dont buy the gtx 465!!! its the same performance as an lightly overclock gtx 460 768mb and slower than the gtx 460 1gb.... but nice choices either way... i dont have enough money for the 5870, and the 5670 isnt good enough for me... man how much money u got? lol i wish i could get the 5870! haha
i STILL didnt recieve my gtx 460 but hey they just shipped it today! hahahaha if u have money for a 5870 go for it! here the list from best to worst in your pricing:

gtx 465 (dont buy this card)
gtx 460 1gb
gtx 460 768mb
5830 1gb
5770 1gb
5750 1gb (dont buy this card)
5670 (dont buy this card)

or u could just a EVGA gtx 460 768mb and we could be the gtx 460 club  Drink !! lol jk

what cpu are you using or going to use?
OMG CLOUDSTRIFE! I thought id never see u again haha... dang the 902 looks awesome with the black interior. It was one of my options for the case but the Cooler Master cm690 nvidia edition case was on sale and i couldnt pass the deal. Pictures on the internet make my cm690 look ugly but its really nice. How much did the antec cost u?

well its good to see ya back cloud! now we can  ChainGun  Shoot each other in wars =P and maybe even crysis 2!!
Well few weeks ago you may have seen my ingame but idk if any of you guys know how horrible it is to game at 5-20fps 640x480 low with a 6150se onboard, so 17minutea ago i just ordered my gtx 460 so i can TriggerHappy all u guys!!!! After hours of thinking it through i decided on the gtx 460 768mb and im happy. It will arrive on thursday of friday... hahahaha some of u guys thought i sucked after 8 months of no crysis or any gaming, but thats because i couldnt fire my gun without getting 7fps  Computer hahaha

bye bye
Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
July 01, 2010, 10:33:56 AM
haha  :P i can make traps with a cable that long  ;)

kk ty hoots ill make sure everyone trips on the cable  :D, haha jk im putting the cable through the attic...

btw any1 got a jackhammer i can borrow to make some holes  :P

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
June 30, 2010, 09:27:20 PM
Thanks to everyone who has helped  ;D

I have nearly decided my route and im probably going to buy a 50ft cable from newegg for like $10 and route it through my house... im pretty sure this will be much easier and i dont have to spend time configuring a new router.... thanks to all again

Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
June 27, 2010, 12:40:41 PM
Quote from: {FWE}Pandemonium on June 27, 2010, 01:04:39 AM
It id true wired is better, but also, I'm only two rooms away from my router and have 20Mbps  internet speed, so that may be why I don't notice packet loss or anything like that. xD

holy! 20mbps! thats uber fast rofl! hahaha idk what to do, so ill see how i can go about buying a 50ft ethernet cable and grab a jackhammer and smash sum walls to my rooms hahaha jk maybe i dont even how to drill if i can just neatly rout the cables around the corners of the house from the kitchen to my room ill be good... well i when on youtube and did an internet speed hack and my average speed looked like it went faster but when i went back to it went to .42mb  :o lol so im stupid...
Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
June 26, 2010, 10:33:03 AM
Quote from: {FWE}Hooters-Adm on June 24, 2010, 11:44:42 PM

its about the only option i have other than buying a 50ft ethernet cat5 cable and drill 1000000 holes hahaha what would u guys think, wireless vs super long ethernet cable? random question, is wireless good enough for just email and web surfing? if wireless is fine for email and simple web tasks then i will put the wireless router in my room and just use it as a normal router (wired to my pc) and wireless for my sis's laptop and my parents pc will also have wireless...
Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
June 24, 2010, 02:39:15 PM
rofl i did the test blake suggested and i got .47mb download and .37 upload, thats digustingly horrible, 1mb is the same price im paying monthly so thats what im getting soon....
Chit Chat / Re: Anyone use wireless to game?
June 24, 2010, 02:32:04 PM
ok thanks guys.... what are your speeds guys.... is 1mb still too slow..... im poor so dont tell me to get 40mb lol... i think 2mb should be enough....
Chit Chat / Anyone use wireless to game?
June 23, 2010, 10:45:14 PM
Hey guys,
As some of you might have noticed, im back..... but i havent been on for long hours and thats because my pc is in the kitchen  :P
Well i need my pc in my room so im getting wireless.... Is wireless gaming bad, like would i get horrible connection, and constant connection loss? Also my broadband speeds are horrrible (my service says 768, but i think im getting 256 service) any1 know of software to check this?

Hey im gaming on onboard graphics  :P hahaha geforce 6150se and i get 5-25fps all low 640x480, i will be getting my 5830 or 5770 or gtx 465 soon...