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"The Clan"

Started by {FWE}Wicked-Ginger-Adm, April 02, 2011, 01:14:31 AM

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This is a tribute to all my friends at {FWE}


           "The Clan"

This is the story of the {FWE}
We're fair and proud of our glory
if your just tuning in
I mean "Free Weapons Enjoy"

We have young ones like Pipi
who make quite a fuss
and I would tell you about Monkey
but I promised not to cuss

There is my "best friend" Acid
and his crazy purple drink
but thats a whole other story
(I'll send you a link)

We have Titan and Doc
They're quite a pair
and our old buddy Hooters
(please try not to stare)

If you hear a fan
thats really loud
dont blame Speed
it's probably Cloud

Let's not forget
our friend from down under
and C.I.A. who always
leaves me to wonder

Ontime is there
24/7 I think
and Strider causes
a terrible stink

It really is great
to be part of a clan
even if I have to
put up with Noman

Wolf is crazy
He'll rip out your guts
and Jaf well he's
just a little bit nuts

But over all
I would have to say
I have lots of fun
when all of us play

Noone knows better
how to turn "I" into "WE"
Than all the good folks
of the { F W E }
