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Messages - ACHILLES

Chit Chat / Done with crysis
January 24, 2010, 09:54:41 AM
Hello my fellow brothers in arms im here to tell you im done with the game for a great many reasons. I have uninstalled the game and all forms of ts and xfire will be at end of this week i have really enjoyed playing the game with you and will miss you greatly peace
Well wish i could help u acid but as some have heard im done with everything to do with crysis including the editer but ill help you with this the buildings you are looking for are under the rollup bar prefabs and buildings_mp if these are not there go to your data base view and go to the tab that says prefabs and find the little folder icon in upper left corner that will open up the files look for buildings_mp.xml and open that. that will give you access to the prefabed ps buildings
Crysis Wars Links / Re: -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
January 12, 2010, 08:30:49 AM
Ok cool hoots about the hd videos um not sure how to set that up so will need some help but any ways there are ab unch more new vids up please check them out
Crysis Wars Links / Re: -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
January 12, 2010, 08:27:45 AM
Yeah quarantine was a fun map to make kinda got the idea from a few movies but any how ounce me and pop figure out why it will work some times and not others i will be putting it up for public down load on file planet
Ok man what kind of map are you making sounds like a power struggle. But maybe not well what is the issue with the spawn points and are you trying to put together a bunker like the ones in the power struggle maps. If so dont worry about putting them togetehr just go in your rollup bar and find prefabs and buildings mp go to the neutral folder and look for spawn bunker. Ounce you have it in place on your map while the prefab is still selected go to the rollup bar and go to the bottom you will see a bar that says extract all hit that then ounce that is done go to your select objects tab at the top of the editer in the filter type in flag hit select and that will select the flag for the bunker and then delete it and so on and so forth for anything else you want to remove from the bunker like the spawn points and spawn group also do not forget to remove the capture moniter thinks its called a basic entity and also remove the buy zone capture zone and the portals from and shapes and visi area.
Crysis Wars Links / Re: -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
January 02, 2010, 06:42:51 AM
Which map you taking about lol the power struggle or a tia map
Crysis Wars Links / Re: -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
December 30, 2009, 10:05:23 AM
Try this link dont get it it works other places ive posted it
(Link has been removed user closed his u tube account)
Crysis Wars Links / Re: -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
December 29, 2009, 08:33:29 AM
Ok have a few vids up will continue to work on this channel for everyone to view as i said we will be posting map vids and we have even decided to post hack vids and a few how to vids for the editer thanks again doc
Crysis Wars Links / -{oFc}-YouTube Channel up
December 28, 2009, 01:27:43 PM
ok well got the layout looking good but still having video upload problems so you wanna take a look this is the url
(Link has been removed user closed his u tube account) You will have to register to view the channel thanks Doc
Crysis Wars Mapping/Modding / Re: MULTIVERSUM TELEPORT
December 22, 2009, 07:23:55 PM
yeah really this is getting out of hand i had no problem helping any one with maps but see none of the credit is going to the ones who helped yall out like the water fall i did for cloud or the elevator i did for ya dont ask me to help anymore
just follow this link and have fun lol
ok found this little tutorial on making a power struggle map just click on it and download
Problem when following this i still could not get my buildings to capture i have even saved the buildings from other power struggle maps as prefabs and still dont capture the map was originally a power struggle so very little was changed in the .xml Blake any ideas man anything you have would help ty
Yes very true forgiot that part thanks blake lmao
ok first u have to make a couple files if you want everyone to see the decal ok. first u need to make a materials file in your map foldernext you will need to make an xml file to tell the game where to look for your decals. Ok next setting up your materials folder you need a DDS converter (i recomened PAINT.NET) very easy to use this will convert your file to a dds format you also need to make an mtl file ounce they have been made u need to place both files in your map materials folder. Then ounce all that is done you need to go into your editer selct decal from the misc section in your rollupbar ounce that is done make sure the decal is highlighted the open up the view tab got to pain view then material editer go the matrials tab at the top drop it down with the arrow on the right find all materials open that the go to levels ia and find your map open up the matetial file which u made and load the dds file to the decal. Now it should show up with the picture you wanted to use. (Note you may have to reposition the decal to where you want it )
Crysis Wars Mapping/Modding / Another helpful link
November 24, 2009, 05:42:11 PM

Might have to register with the forum