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Messages - {FWE}Wicked-Ginger-Adm

ok so I did some research and I think we should play fear 3(F3AR) it is a great game with many options and uhm well I really like it so what do you say can we give it a test at least please please please !!! here is a video of the gameplay so you can get all excited about it too !!! TriggerHappy see you will love it TEAM WORK!!!!!
Chit Chat / Re: Sorry.
July 29, 2011, 05:34:30 PM
Yes do get better soon !!! and hurry up about it I am running out of cool nerds to talk to lol now I know when you read this your inner nerd will be compelled to come to TS tonight and talk to me !!!! we miss you~feel better YouRock
 Respect okie dokie I'm on it Boss !
ok here is what I have come up with so far let me know what you think.

Wolfenstein:Enemy territory
SplashDamage and Activision released Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory as a free game right from the start, and unlike many F2P games, in this case there really are no strings attached. This is an excellent multiplayer first-person shooter built on the Quake 3 engine, with solid objective-oriented gameplay and a rudimentary experience system. It's also mod-friendly and open source. The player base has dwindled a little in recent years, but it remains more popular than later releases like Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

Combat Arms
Similar in some ways to Counter-Strike, Combat Arms is a F2P military-themed shooter from Nexon. The visuals aren't that sophisticated, but there is a good selection of game types and maps. Nexon has steadily added new weapons and items to the game since launch, so there is now a very large arsenal to acquire. Although quite conventional, Combat Arms is a solid shooter that's good for some fast, furious, fun.

Global Agenda
This sci-fi FPS from Hi-Rez Studios is set in a future where teams of special operatives are fighting against each other and an oppressive world government. Global Agenda has 3 classes, jet packs, and, like so many other recent shooters, an extensive progression system that lets you unlock a large array of high-tech weaponry. There are instanced matches of various sizes with maps for both PvE and PvP.

Bioshock 2
Online and offline multiplayer modes including: Free-For-All, and Team Death Match and more.
Return to the underwater city of Rapture where now the 'The Big Sister' is the toughest creature around.
Play as the original the Big Daddy as you harness raw strength to battle Rapture?s most feared denizens as you battle powerful new enemies.
New game mechanics including the ability to wield plasmids and weapons simultaneously; flashback missions detailing how you became the Big Daddy; the ability to walk outside the airlocks of Rapture to discover new play areas, and many more.
New game environments including Fontaine Futuristics, headquarters of Fontaine's business empire and the Kashmir Restaurant.

the last choice in my opinion is the best choice. I have the game and it is very fun. I will keep searching for other games but BS2 is cheap(less than $20) and has alot to offer
in Wicked's Words / GAME ON !
July 20, 2011, 10:31:18 AM
    GAME ON !
What a great game
all the running around
grenade in my hand
claymore on the ground
listen close is that
a cloak I hear
maximum armor
the enemy is near
6 shots down range.....
so much for a battle
they have all retreated
no room for cheaters
we fight man to man
with scars and gause
or hand to hand
maximum strength
is what you need
and if that does not work
try maximum speed
1 minute left till
mission termination
time for some C-4
and precise detination
for the finale its sniper
scope zeroed in
shots fired, game over
Ha Ha we WIN !!!
Chit Chat / Re: My dads really sick
June 23, 2011, 08:51:47 PM
Cloud I am very sorry to hear about your dad's passing I know how hard it is to lose the ones you love so much if you need to talk I will be on TS give your mom a hug from oklahoma and tell her she is in our prayers.
Chit Chat / Re: My Porsche
June 02, 2011, 10:44:21 PM
 HeHe sure you can have a ride if you are paying for the gas lol !!!!!
Chit Chat / My Porsche
June 01, 2011, 11:55:47 PM
I Love It !!!!!!!!       1985 Porsche 944/1  Ginger style !!!

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 smash yes hopefully they fix it I dont like the creepy lady !!! HellNo
in Wicked's Words / Yoshi
April 30, 2011, 12:49:47 PM

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Lets welcome Yoshi
our newest member
he will be 6 on
the 20th of december
he loves mario and yoshi
and donkey kong too
he has a new computer
with lights that are blue
he is new to battlefield
and crysis wars
he is still learning the moves
and dosent worry about the scores
so take it easy on him
and please remember
that he is the son
of {FWE}Wicked-Ginger

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your retarded !!! STFU
I would be if they had more stuff plugged in sadly though I am probably in the kitchen cooking for you jerks lol .........
AMD Processors / AMD 975 Black Edition
April 22, 2011, 11:46:07 AM
 Whoo just got the new 975 black edition from AMD and I love it there have been no problems so far and it is super fast would recomend to anyone wanting to do an AMD setup  TriggerHappy
Chit Chat / Suggestions For New Games
April 22, 2011, 11:32:26 AM
I have noticed a downfall in gaming in our clan and would like to get us all playing again. I would like to know what games interest you and what might be a good game to introduce to the clan please reply back with:

1. Name of game and who makes it

2. how many players it supports

3. how much does it cost(keep in mind not everyone has extra money)

4. how would you rate this game on graphics 1-10 and game play 1-10
oh come on you know you like it !!!! Sick